
The Platform Project provides a Work Experience based Internship Programme in Swindon – term time and holiday time – aimed at young people aged 16 – 24 who want to build their career prospects and transition into their next steps with a wider range of skills and confidence.

It provides hands-on practical experience in a supported workplace; interns work on a range of projects that include employability skills and training. It aims to support NEETS, those at risk of becoming NEET, and young people struggling to find employment due to lack of experience, skills, and confidence. It focuses on Employability and Enterprise.

Themes include: identity and belonging; economic and financial wellbeing; leadership, civic engagement, and participation; creativity and fun; global citizenship; the environment and sustainable development; and skills development.


07453 253313



The Platform Project's homepage.

Information from Wiltshire and Swindon Youth Work Network – Directory of Organisations and Services by Wiltshire Community Foundation