
The Volunteer Police Cadets is the nationally recognised police uniformed youth group throughout England & Wales and in Scotland known as Police Scotland Youth Volunteers.

The National VPC is a part of the wider National Citizens in Policing portfolio. All forces operate under the National Police Chiefs’ Council supported framework, sharing the common Aims and Principles of the VPC  across England & Wales.

The VPC, encompassing Mini Police, is a diverse group of young people aged 8 – 18 years, who have a desire to support their local communities and gain a practical understanding of policing, developing their leadership skills by undertaking challenging social action projects in their communities.

The purpose of the VPC is not to recruit police officers of the future, but to encourage the spirit of adventure and good citizenship amongst its members. It believes that every young person deserves the opportunity to thrive regardless of his or her background. It encourages young people from all backgrounds to join the VPC, including those who may be vulnerable to the influences of crime and social exclusion.

The aims of the volunteer police cadets are to:
Promote a practical understanding of policing.
Encourage the spirit of adventure and good citizenship.
Support local policing priorities and give young people the chance to be heard.
Inspire young people to participate positively in their communities.